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Chin augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can improve the appearance of the chin, creating a more balanced and harmonious facial profile. Dr Sophie Ricketts, a specialist plastic surgeon passionate about facial aesthetics and reconstructive surgery, is dedicated to helping her patients achieve their desired look with the highest level of care and precision. In this blog, the various options available for chin augmentation are explored to help patients understand which might be best suited to their needs.

What is Chin Augmentation?

Chin augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to improve the contours of the chin, facial symmetry, and proportion. This can be achieved through the use of chin implants or by repositioning the existing bone, a technique known as sliding genioplasty. Both methods have their own unique advantages and considerations.

Chin Implants


Chin implants are a popular choice for augmenting the chin. The procedure involves placing a synthetic implant, typically made of silicone, over the existing bone. This implant is carefully shaped to achieve the desired projection and contour, then secured with tiny screws to ensure stability.


  1. Less Invasive: The procedure is relatively less invasive compared to bone surgery, with a shorter operating time.
  2. Predictable Results: Implants provide a predictable and stable outcome, as the shape and size can be precisely chosen.
  3. Reversible: If necessary, implants can be removed or replaced, offering flexibility in future adjustments.


  1. Risk of Complications: There is a risk of infection or implant shifting, which may require additional surgery.
  2. Material Reaction: Although rare, some patients may experience a reaction to the synthetic material.
  3. Limited Reshaping: Implants are ideal for improving projection but offer limited ability to reshape the chin significantly.

Sliding Genioplasty


Sliding genioplasty, also known as osseous genioplasty, involves cutting a portion of the chin bone and repositioning it. This bone segment can be moved forward, backwards, or reshaped to achieve the desired look. The repositioned bone is then secured with plates and screws.


  1. Natural Results: Since the procedure uses the patient’s own bone, the results tend to look natural.
  2. Versatile: Sliding genioplasty allows for more comprehensive reshaping, including vertical adjustments and correcting asymmetries.
  3. No Implant Risk: There’s no risk of foreign body reactions since no synthetic materials are used.


  1. More Invasive: The procedure is more invasive, with a longer recovery time compared to implants.
  2. Higher Risk: There is a higher risk of complications such as nerve damage, infection, or bone healing issues.
  3. Permanent Change: The changes made are permanent and may be more challenging to revise compared to implants.

Choosing the Right Procedure for You

Deciding between chin implants and sliding genioplasty depends on various factors, including your aesthetic objectives, medical history, and lifestyle. Here are some key considerations:


  • Aesthetic Objectives: If you seek a moderate improvement in projection, chin implants may be sufficient. For more significant reshaping or correcting asymmetries, sliding genioplasty might be the better option.
  • Medical History: Discuss any previous surgeries, dental issues, or bone conditions with your surgeon, as these may influence the suitability of each procedure.
  • Recovery Time: Consider the recovery period and how it fits into your schedule. Implants generally have a quicker recovery compared to the more invasive sliding genioplasty.
  • Surgeon’s Recommendation: A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is crucial. They can evaluate your facial structure, discuss your objectives, and recommend the most appropriate procedure for your needs.


Whether choosing chin implants or sliding genioplasty, it’s essential to understand the benefits and considerations of each option. Dr Sophie Ricketts is committed to helping patients achieve their desired look with care, compassion, and the highest level of expertise. Those considering chin augmentation are invited to schedule a consultation to discuss their options and embark on the journey to a more balanced and harmonious facial profile.