Do I need a referral?
A referral from your GP or Specialist is now a government requirement and will be required for all appointments.
How much is my initial consultation?
Your initial consultation charge is $300 and with a valid referral there is a rebate from Medicare of $84.15.
Where can I see Dr. Sophie?
Appointments are available in Richmond or Shepparton.
What will happen at my consultation?
You will receive a reminder a few days before your appointment via SMS on your mobile. My assistant may already have forwarded you a registration form to complete and email back but if you haven’t, you’ll be asked to fill this out when you arrive with details including your
- GP
- Health Fund
- Medicare Number
- Medical Conditions
- Medication
Don’t forget to bring your referral or arrange for it to be emailed to us.
During your consultation I will listen to your concerns and ask you what you wish to change. I will then examine you and we will discuss the following;
- The procedure that you are most likely to benefit from and what’s involved
- Expected results after the surgery. This may include 3D photography of you with the Vectra™ and some computer simulations to help you understand and visualise what is realistically possible
- Risks and complications of the surgery
- Length of surgery, length of hospital stay and recovery time
You will then be introduced to my assistant who will give you an estimate of fees and possible scheduling.
If you want to proceed you can book any time after this first consultation.
Will my health fund cover any of the costs?
Health funds do not generally cover the costs of cosmetic surgery. There are exceptions where I can apply Medicare item numbers for some procedures, and you’ll be informed of this and it will be built into your estimate. It is wise to then check with your Health Fund to make sure there are no exclusions or excesses payable.
Which hospitals does Dr. Sophie operate at?
I operate at Epworth Hawthorn, The Avenue, Epworth Freemasons and Masada Private.
When do I have to pay for my surgery?
A deposit is usually taken around the time of booking your surgery and full payment is required at least a week prior to your surgery. You will also need to pay your anaesthetic fee and hospital fee prior to your surgery.
What are the wait times for my surgery?
Average wait times are anywhere from two to six weeks after your consultation.
What qualifications does Dr. Sophie have?
I am a specialist qualified Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon.
I am a member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons.
I hold the highest specialist qualification in Plastic Surgery. This qualification includes six years of Medical School, four years of Basic Surgical training and four years of Specialist Plastic Surgery training. In addition to this, I undertook further overseas training after fully qualifying as a Plastic Surgeon here in Australia.
When looking at a plastic surgeon’s qualifications, make sure they have “FRACS” after their name signifying that they are properly surgically trained.
Before surgery
Do I need to stop any medications?
You may be instructed to stop blood thinners or herbal supplements up to a week prior to surgery. These may increase your risk of bleeding during and after surgery.
These may include:
- Aspirin
- Cartia
- Warfarin
- Plavix
- Xaralto
- Garlic
- Ginseng
- Ginko
- Fish oil.
Please ask if you are not sure about whether to stop your medications.
Do I need to stop my diabetic or weight loss medications?
Some diabetic and weight loss medications need to be stopped before your surgery. Below is a list of medications and the suggested periods of cessation before surgery. Please ask your anaesthetist if you are not sure whether to stop your medications.
1. SGLT-2 inhibitors – stop for 3 days (2 full days before surgery and the day of surgery):
- Glyxambi (empagliflozin + linagliptin)
- Forxiga (dapagliflozin)
- Xigduo XR (dapagliflozin + metformin)
- Jardiance (empagliflozin)
- Jardiamet (empagliflozin + metformin)
- Steglatro (ertugliflozin)
- Segluromet (ertugliflozin + metformin)
- Steglujan (ertugliflozin + sitagliptin)
- Qtern (dapagliflozin + saxagliptin)
2. GLP-1 agonists will depend on whether they are taken daily or weekly
Daily dosed medications – stop for 3 days (2 full days before surgery and the day of surgery):
- Saxenda (liraglutide)
- Victoza (liraglutide)
- Adlyxin (lixisenatide)
- Rybelsus (semaglutide oral)
- Byetta (exenatide BID)
Weekly dosed medications – miss AT LEAST one dose, three if possible:
- Trulicity (dulaglutide)
- Ozempic (semaglutide)
- Bydureon (exenatide extended release)
How long do I fast for?
You will be given instructions to fasting for at least 6 hrs prior to your surgery but it is fine to take your regular medications with a sip of water at the usual times unless instructed otherwise.
It may be necessary to wear a medical garment after your surgery. You will be given this or instructed to pick to up prior to your surgery. Bring this with you on the day of the surgery. Instructions on when and for how long to wear this will be given to you.
Getting picked up
It’s optional whether you wish to have someone stay with you until it’s time to go into the operating room. Sometimes it’s useful to have someone around to hear instructions for after the surgery that you may forget.
You will need a responsible adult to pick you up when it’s time to leave hospital. It is not safe to make your own way home in a cab or by public transport.
Time off work
I will give you instructions on how long you will likely need off work. Everyone recovers at a slightly different rate but these recommended times are to allow you adequate healing for safety and the best outcome after your surgery.
Preparation at home
Try to prepare the house as best you can prior to your surgery;
- Stock the fridge well
- Consider freezing some meals (that’s if you’re out of Uber Eats range!)
- Set your couch up with pillows if you need to keep your head up after surgery
- Stock up on reading material
- If you live alone, ask a friend or family member to be your contact for unexpected needs should they arise
- Remember you can call my assistant or nurse if you have any questions!
Day of surgery
What do I wear?
Wear loose and comfortable front opening clothing and sensible shoes. Do not wear any jewellery. If you are staying overnight don’t forget your toiletries, phone charger and a change of underwear. PJs are optional as you will be in a hospital gown after your surgery.
What do I bring?
Leave all valuables including jewellery at home. Bring your phone – it will be kept safe with your belongings during your surgery. It is helpful to bring your medications with you to show your anaesthetist or if you are staying in hospital.
Can I wear makeup?
Do not wear any makeup, mascara or facial moisturizer. Wear glasses rather than contact lenses if necessary.
What happens when I arrive at the hospital?
When you arrive at the hospital you will be asked to change into a hospital gown. You will then be admitted to a pre-op room where the nursing staff, the anaesthetist and Dr Sophie will meet with you. Dr Sophie will talk with you and may do some preoperative markings on you. The surgical plan will be confirmed and any last minute questions you have will be answered.
When am I discharged home?
Whether you are having surgery as a day case or staying one night or longer you will be safe to go home when;
- you are comfortable on tablet forms of pain medications,
- you can drink without too much nausea,
- you can get out of bed and walk to the bathroom independently and safely and
- the nurses are happy with your surgical sites.
Your discharge and pick-up arrangements should be preorganized with a friend or family member. Your first check-up appointments will be booked and given you before your surgery.
Do I need someone to pick me up?
You MUST be accompanied home with a responsible adult after ALL surgery; whether under general anaesthetic or IV sedation.
After surgery (medications, recovery)
The recovery phase of your surgery is extremely important to get the very best outcome. Listen to the instructions that are given to you by Dr Sophie and her team. This advice is from many years of experience in managing patients after surgery just like yours, and variation from it can compromise your results.
Do I need someone to stay with me after surgery?
It is not absolutely necessary to have someone stay with you after surgery. However, it is strongly recommended that you have a responsible adult with you for the first 24hrs if possible. You will be independent and able to manage on your own upon discharge from hospital.
Do I need to change my dressings?
For some procedures there may be ointments to apply, but the dressings that you go home in will not require changing by you after the surgery. Your dressings will be tended to or changed at your check-up appointments by our practice nurse.
When is my first post op appointment?
Your first appointment will be prearranged and given to you before your surgery day. It is usually around a week after your surgery. The first appointment may be with one of Dr Sophie’s practice nurses, and subsequently with Dr Sophie.
When can I drive?
You will require someone to drive you around whilst you are taking prescription pain medications, if your vision is impaired (by eye ointment after eyelid procedures), or your mobility is compromised by discomfort or tightness. For most procedures this is somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks after surgery.
What should I eat and drink after surgery?
Maintain a healthy diet after your surgery to assist in recovery. A good balance of protein fruits and vegetables and healthy fats is recommended. Pay special attention to hydration by aiming for at least 8 glasses of water a day to help with detoxification and digestion. Foods and drinks containing caffeine should be kept to a minimum as they tend to dehydrate and increase your heart rate.
What about smoking and vaping?
Smoking is an absolute NO in the recovery phase after surgery (and for at least 4 weeks prior to surgery). The nicotine significantly impedes wound healing by constricting blood vessels and compromising blood flow to your surgical sites. Most smokers will experience wound healing issues and infection if they smoke in the recovery phase. If they smoke in the lead up to surgery the anaesthetic complications can be higher.
What if I get constipated after surgery?
Many patients experience some degree of constipation after surgery. Factors contributing to this include opioid medications, a different diet in hospital, dehydration and lack of general mobility. We recommend using over the counter laxatives. Movicol is well tolerated and can be started 3-4 days before surgery. Don’t take it on the day of surgery but start again the day after surgery at a dose of 2 sachets per day. Continue taking it for around a week after your surgery. Maintain a good fluid intake of at least 8 glasses of water a day.
What if I’m worried about something?
There is a nurse in Dr Sophie’s office Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Reach out if you are worried or need help or call or text Dr Sophie after hours if needed. For urgent help call and Ambulance first and then call Dr Sophie.
Risks and complications
Every surgical procedure involves a certain amount of risk and it is important that you understand these risks and the possible complications associated with them. These risks can be thought of as:
- GENERAL RISKS associated any plastic surgery
- SPECIFIC RISKS of your procedure
Some of the common GENERAL RISKS of plastic surgery are listed below.
Further information relating to specific risks of your procedure will be provided at your consultation.
Healing Issues:
Certain medical conditions and diseases such as diabetes or many others, dietary supplements, and some medications may delay and interfere with wound healing. Smoking will cause a delay in the healing process and can cause wound breakdown. Obesity is a risk factor for the occurrence of a surgical complication.
It is possible to experience a bleeding episode during or after surgery. This may require urgent treatment to drain accumulated blood (haematoma) or even rarely, a blood transfusion. Hematoma can occur at any time in the first week following your surgery.
Infection after surgery may require additional treatment with antibiotics and occasionally hospitalisation or additional surgery. If a foreign body, such as an implant, has been used in your surgery, it may become infected and need to be removed.
Abnormal scars may occur within the skin and deeper tissues after your surgery. Scars may be unattractive and of different colour than the surrounding skin tone. Scar appearance may also vary within the same scar. Scars may be asymmetric (appear different on the right and left side of the body). In some cases, scars may require surgical revision or treatment.
Change in skin sensation:
It is common to experience diminished or loss of skin sensation in areas that have had surgery. This may not always totally recover.
Skin discoloration/swelling:
Some bruising and swelling will normally occur. The skin in or near the surgical site can appear either lighter or darker than surrounding skin. Although uncommon, swelling and skin discoloration may persist for long periods of time.
Fat necrosis:
Fatty tissue found deep in the skin might die and it may produce areas of firmness within the skin. Additional surgery to remove areas of fat necrosis may be necessary. Contour irregularities in the skin are also a possibility.
Fluid that may accumulate between the skin and the underlying tissues following surgery. This may require additional procedures for drainage of fluid.
You will experience some discomfort or pain after your surgery. This will be managed by your surgeon and anaesthetist, and the hospital staff.
Thrombosis, Embolism and Heart and lung complications:
Deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) in the calf veins traveling to the lungs can cause a major blood. A DVT may also in the early post op phase dislodge and move to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism.