Open rhinoplasty to correct "tension nose" and airway obstruction. Dorsal hump reduction, septoplasty, tip deprojection and reshaping. Pre and 9 months post-op.
Post pregnancy surgery with mini abdominoplasty and lower rectus muscle separation repair with Caesar scar revision to correct lower abdominal bulge after 2 pregnancies. Pre and 6 months post op.
Post pregnancy surgery to address abdominal laxity after 3 pregnancies. Abdominoplasty and rectus muscle separation repair and fat transfer to breasts.
Chin augmentation with 9mm projection Medpor implant. The patient had a previous silicone implant that had slipped under the chin. Pre and 1 week post op.
Face and Neck lift with Lateral Temporal Brow Lift and Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty. Neck liposuction and a deep plane face lift. Pre and 3 months post op.
Open rhinoplasty to correct predominantly breathing difficulty including septoplasty and turbinate reduction with some small changes to the aesthetic appearance after previous nasal bone fracture. Pre and 3 months post op.